
Posted Feb 22, 2007 8:30am

Yesterday Ryan had a fairly good day. We are starting to get into a roller coaster pattern of ups and downs which is extremely exhausting for Wade and I. It's hard to know how to feel. Ryan's O2 concentration needs varied all day yesterday from 30-50%. They are up to 50 bpm on the ventilator rate. The doctor explained that chronic lung diseases begin to manifest themselves around this time, and the ventilator settings often reflect those complications. Ryan's insulin levels were up and down throughout the day, but they mostly were on the high side for which they gave him insulin frequently. The doctor said that it could be a sign of infection and that they had sent the ventilator tube that came out yesterday down for cultures to see if he has any infections. They were also going to do some blood work this morning to look for signs of infection. Ryan gained weight yesterday. He gained nearly 60 grams, and we have been told numerous times that they like to see very small increments of weight gain. Large weight gains in short periods of time indicate fluid retention or other problems. He got his PICC line yesterday. He did well through the procedure. Unfortunately they will not be able to draw blood through the line, so he will still have regular heel sticks. They also said that if he needs to receive blood they will have to put in an additional IV line for that. They took out the IV line that went through his umbilical cord. They started feeding him milk through his NG tube directly into his stomach. He seemed to handle the first feeding well, but the second feeding he didn't tolerate as well. The nurse said the doctor may decide to stop feedings and try again later. He is being fed 1ml over a 2 hour period, and he gets fed every 6 hours. The head ultrasound was postponed until today.

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