
Posted Feb 18, 2007 10:12am

We spent the afternoon and evening with Ryan yesterday. He had a really good day. I got to take his temperature, and I got touch him more than I ever have before. He responds to our voices, and he acted like he was trying to open his eyes when I was talking to him. The nurses say his eyes could open at any time. He is still very positional, and seems to a have a favorite "spot" for the ventilator. His O2 sats fall if it is not in that spot. Ryan's temperature did climb up to 100.5 yesterday afternoon which was cause for a little concern. They did blood work and, thankfully, everything came back normal. They did a lot of minor adjustments to the temperature of his bed, the temperature of the humidified air in his tent, and other adjustments. His temperature came down, but then it came down too far, so they began adjusting things again. It's all a very delicate balance. We were very grateful to find that the temperature was not because of an infection.

This morning we talked to the nurse. She said that Ryan had a good night. He gained another 3 grams. Praises to God for all our good days and our good reports. Today at 5:31 p.m. Ryan will be 1 week old!

Prayer Requests: Please continue to pray for Ryan as God leads you. We don't have any specific requests this morning. Please add to your prayer list a little one named Kenzie. She was born yesterday morning. I'm not sure her gestational age, but she weighed 1 lb. 9 oz. We met the family of this little one about a week ago, and each of our families has been praying for and keeping up with the other. I imagine we will become close friends over the next few months. Please also pray for the nurses and doctors. We have been blessed in amazing ways by the nurses and doctor that cared for me during the 2 weeks I was in the hospital, and we continue to be blessed by the nurses and doctors taking care of our son. God is using these very special people in very special ways, and I want to ask his blessings to be upon them. One last thing, please take to time to give praises to God because he is the Giver of Life and the one through whom all miracles happen!

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